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Specialist Services

Children at School

Paediatric (Childrens) Vision

Our Paediatric Services are headed up by Mr. Bradley J E Warwick BSc (Hons) MCOptom Prof Cert Glauc Prof Cert Paed Eye Care Prof Cert Med Ret. Specialist Clinical Optometrist (Glaucoma & Acute Eye Care). 


According to studies quoted by the Association of Optometrists It is suggested that about 20% of school aged children have an undiagnosed visual problem - That's more than an estimated One point Five Million School children!!


Some eye conditions have no obvious signs or symptoms so it is important to get your child's vision checked thoroughly and regularly.

It's never too early to get your child's vision checked and we would always recommend a Comprehensive Assessment of Children's Eye Health. 

This is quite different to the vision screening that children receive at school which is a basic check designed to highlight children who have reduced vision in one or both eyes. Usually if a problem is suspected, children will usually be referred to an optometrist for a full sight test.

Parents sometimes may assume that their child has been screened at school but this does not happen in all areas of the country. Even where screening does happen, it is not usually until the age of four or five, so we recommend that all children visit their optometrist for a sight test around the age of three.

The comprehensive eye examination for children that we carry out is tailored specifically for the detection of orthoptic (binocular vision) anomalies. 

It has been our experience that subtle binocular vision anomalies such as reduced focusing ability can often be the root cause behind many of the symptoms that children present with in the practice.


We use a range of techniques to assess eye movements, eye focusing, stereopsis and colour vision.

In addition, children may be examined with the aid of cycloplegic eye drops in order to establish the full optical prescription and permit a thorough examination of the child's retina.


If any binocular vision anomalies are found, they may be managed using orthoptic exercises.

The effects of colour on reading speed, fluency and visual comfort may be be evaluated as well as eye tracking which may be assessed using our specialist digital IR tracking system.


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Myopia Control

So what is Myopia Control and why bother with it at all?

Well, first of all, Myopia (or 'short sight') is on the increase and, according to many recent surveys, Myopia is forecast to reach epidemic proportions over the next few decades.


Alarmingly, increases in the global prevalence of myopia and high myopia (a refractive error* of at least -5.00D in either eye) mean that by 2020, it is estimated that more than two billion people worldwide will be affected. 

By 2050, it is estimated that more than 50% of the world’s population will have myopia and 10% or almost one billion will have high myopia.


So what is myopia?


A myopic eye is typically longer, or more stretched, than a normally sighted eye due to eye growth. Typically myopic eyes have a greater chance of macular issues.


In fact, according to Bullimore & Brennan, OVS 2019, Every 1 dioptre less of myopia (-1.00, or 4 steps) means a decreased risk of myopic maculopathy of 40% across a lifetime.


So it is vital that we intervene as early as possible (ideally during childhood or in young adults) to reduce down the amount of myopia and in turn reduce the risk of myopic maculopathy later in life.


Myopia control uses a number of strategies to intervene and reduce the amount of Myopia and/or halt or reduce the increase in axial length whilst the eyes are developing (these changes can potentially occur throughout childhood, teenage years and beyond)...


Myopia Control is an evidence based approach to control and management of myopia (short sight).


The myopia management clinic at VT clinic was introduced as a result of the increasing body of evidence that exists supporting the use of specialist contact lenses in short sighted (myopic) children.


Specifically, the evidence shows that certain types of multifocal contact lenses and Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) have been shown to reduce the rate of lengthening in the myopic eye of children in a number of studies. 


It is clear that the management of myopia will undoubtably become increasingly important as the prevalence of myopia increases across the world.

At VT Clinic we are proud to be one of just a small number of practices in the UK delivering these specialist treatments (in fact whereas Myopia Control is new to most, at  our main clinic our clinicians have been practicing Myopia Control for over a decade).


Additionally, certain sight threatening ocular pathologies such as retinal detachment, myopic macular degeneration and glaucoma are linked with high levels of myopia this work has even greater importance; prevention is superior to cure.  


We have embraced these findings and are delighted to offer effective solutions to not only correct children's eyesight without spectacles, but also offer a protective effect in the progression of myopia.


Current Strategies may include 


Multifocal Contact Lenses

Ortho-K 'overnight' Contact Lenses

Myopia Control Spectacle Lenses

Environment Modification


So why not book a consultation and together we can work to eradicate or greatly reduce Myopia in future generations...


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Ortho-Keratology (Ortho-K) Contact Lenses

Imagine being able to wake up and see clearly for the rest of the day...


At VT Clinic we have highly specialised equipment and the expertise to fit a type of overnight contact lens using a technique known as orthokeratology (in fact our Medmont E300 Topographer is 'Gold Standard' for clinical contact lens fitting).

Developed over 30 years ago but refined over the last 10, you can have clear vision through the day by using an overnight lens to gently reshape the outer layers of the cornea. This reversible technique has been found to be of great benefit in children who are becoming more short sighted, as well as patients who struggle with dry eye or athletes who find their glasses get in the way.


We receive a lot of feed back from patients following their Ortho-K treatment. 

A parent of a new patient recently commented ""H" is really experiencing a change of life with being able to see, particularly at school and playing sports... we can’t put a price on her having the freedom of vision"...


So why not contact us to make your appointment to discuss Ortho-K contact lenses with one of our specialist clinicians?

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